Posted December 25, 2017 at 12:39 pm
I know I'm stating the obvious when I say that 2017 has been a really horrible year, but it bears repeating. It's been bad for lots of people, not just me. You get where I'm going with this, right?
I've been struggling very hard this year with depression, which I've always had; it's just been exacerbated by the general state of the world and the U.S. in particular right now. I started off the year thinking that I could grin and bear it, rise above the horrible stress and be someone you could look to for entertainment when things are rough. But I didn't have it in me. In truth, I spent most of January starving myself because I didn't have the willpower to get out of bed. February wasn't much better.
Without giving a month-by-month rundown, I'll just say that I was horrifically depressed and anxious throughout most of the year. It was at the start of September that I thought I could finally get myself together and get back to work on Wonderlust. Just in time for Halloween season to start up, too! I was ready!
But then I got friggin' pneumonia. It took me more than a month-and-a-half to fully recover from it, so I wasn't physically well until most of the way into October. I was still coughing pretty badly but basically fine. Which is when my friend and roommate attempted suicide, and I had to deal with that. He ended up being okay, but it took a heavy emotional toll.
Yeah, it's been rough. This year has made me into even more of a nutcase than I usually am, and I'm sorry for dropping the ball so bad on keeping this little comic of mine going. It's honestly been one of the worst things about this year, as selfish as that feels to admit. I do solemnly swear that 2018 will be different. Prepare for multiple updates! Some of them might even be on time!
But I haven't just been curled in my bed in the fetal position, oh no! I've been doing non-Wonderlust things all year in an effort to distract myself from that gnawing dread. You know what I'm talking about! So please go and check out these couple of other things if you haven't already, my D&D actual play podcast and my embarrassingly fangirlish TF2 art blog.
Posted September 26, 2017 at 06:13 pm

I'm embarrassed to admit that both this week's update and next week's update will be up late. (This week's is already late, but hey.) This is largely due to my being sick for literally half of September. It was out of my control and made it next to impossible to focus on any kind of serious work. The other reason is actually a cool thing I forgot to announce previously.

I'll be at GeekGirlCon 2017!

I'm at table B109 all day Saturday & Sunday! That's September 30th & October 1st. Come by and say hello if you're in the area! Anyway, I won't be able to finish page 46 before I leave for Seattle on Friday, so it'll be up some time later that week after I get back.

Posted August 29, 2017 at 01:13 pm

So yeah, I'm giving myself an extra week before this comic comes back from hiatus with new updates, which means the next page will be up September 4th. I didn't get enough of my work done by the 28th, which obviously makes it difficult to post new content, but I'd be able to soldier on if not for the fact that this is going to be an insanely busy week for me!

I have family visiting, a new roommate moving to town, and a roommate moving out (which I've promised to help with), so the idea that I could finish this page and also have the next one ready on time is laughable. So I'm just calling it now.

Sorry to the people who were excited to see the notice about the new updates, but this was the least-bad option as of today. I swear I'm back on the horse! It's just that inertia is a hell of a thing.

Posted December 5, 2016 at 07:09 pm

That's right! You can now buy merch from me through Hiveworks' official storefront. Right off the bat, I'm offering prints, including individual comic page prints, and the Girlbot ebook, but there's more coming very soon!

Also, I unfortunately won't be able to update this week. On the very same day, I both got sick and was informed of a death in the family, which ruined my ability to get much work done last week. So the next update will be December 12th!

Posted October 27, 2016 at 03:31 pm
I'm actually out of town right now, doing two comic conventions in one trip. I exhibited in Memphis this past weekend, and on the final weekend of October, I'll be in Cambridge for MICE! If you're in the area, I hope you'll stop by and say hello. I'm at table A22.
Anyway, I should mention that I didn't give myself enough time to finish the pages I was planning to update while I'm away from my work station, so you're stuck with the sandwich recipe until the start of November. (Sorry.) I did make the pencils for the new page publically available to tide people over.
Happy Halloween!
Posted August 19, 2016 at 06:24 am

I'm really sorry for what's amounted to an unannounced hiatus for this comic this month. A combination of finishing other work, some personal life drama, and preparing for a convention kept me from keeping up with my schedule. Here are two things I can promise you:

  1. There will be another Wonderlust page next week. It kay not happen on Monday, but it will happen.
  2. I'm exhibiting at Flame Con this weekend in NYC! Come see me at table 58!!!!

That's all for now. Sorry again. Keep an eye on my Twitter for the latest!

Posted June 10, 2016 at 01:58 pm

This last page has been such a trial that it's closer to being next week's page than this week's. Consequently, I've decided to just post it on Monday next week instead of creating too much of a crunch for myself. I will, however, be posting it as soon as it's finished for backers of my Patreon. I expect it to be some time today/tonight.

Sorry about the extra wait!

Posted June 8, 2016 at 06:37 pm

Yes, I promised I'd be back from break on June 6th, but this latest page has taken a lot of work for obvious reasons. I'll get it posted this week as soon as it's done. We're almost out of the woods!

Posted May 16, 2016 at 10:51 pm

I've recently come to the decision that I need to take a short break from this comic to take care of some other tasks that have been stacking up while I spent all my time drawing foliage. It'll just be for three weeks! So check back on Monday, June 6th, for page 23.

Thanks for sticking with me.

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